Sunday 15 February 2015

Insanity diary - day 1

One of my friends was recently getting rid of his Insanity DVDs, so given my fitness has stalled a bit recently, I decided to take them off his hands and give my fitness a bit of a boost.

If you're not familiar with it, it's the "hardest workout ever put on DVD", and after my first session I'm pretty sure I agree. It's not a quick fix or easy ride - it's not for the faint hearted.

It's a 60 day (8 week) programme designed to get you in the best shape of your life through a combination of strength training and cardio, all performed at maximum intensity. I'm concerned that it's completely unsustainable, and 6 workouts a week is a LOT to fit into your life if you've got an office-type job, unless you like getting up really early, or have bags of energy when you get home at 7pm. But I'm giving it a go - partly to help me look my best for my wedding in November, partly because I'm a fool.


Day 1:

The Fit Test.

This looks as though it shouldn't be that bad: a warm up, followed by 8 exercises for 1 minute each, then a cool down. But easy it most certainly is not. You perform this test every fortnight throughout the programme, as a means of tracking your progress. You just count how many of each exercise you can do in a minute. Easy, right?

My starting scores:

Switch kicks  45 (2 kicks = 1 rep)
Power jacks   50
Power knees  85
Power jumps  0 
Globe jumps   5 (4 x jumps = 1 rep)
Suicide jumps 8 
Push up jacks  0
Low plank oblique  33

There were two I didn't even attempt today. I went for a (short) run before doing this, and was DYING by the time I got to power jumps, so I managed about half a jump and realised I'd be better off preserving my energy for what was to come. The push up jacks I knew were a lost cause as my upper body strength is lousy at the best of times, and this was not the day. But at least my next test should show an improvement on zero!

I'm reasonably fit - I run 3-4 times a week, can complete a 10k in under an hour, and do yoga a couple of times a week for strength and flexibility, but I can tell this will be HARD.

Wish me luck!


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