Monday 16 February 2015

Insanity diary - day 2

I'm keeping this diary largely to motivate me to keep going with it. Six workouts a week is going to be TOUGH!

Tonight was my first session of "proper" workout following yesterday's Fit Test. Guaranteed sweat and pain.

But actually, I thought it could have been worse. This workout isn't for the fainthearted, but just because don't start with a six pack doesn't mean you can't give it a go. You absolutely can.

The workout - this one is the Plyometric Cardio Circuit - is 45 minutes, but the first 15 minutes or so is a warm up, and the last 10 is a cool down. The middle 20 minutes however? Holy hell it's hard work. I should add, Will's also doing this, and as he was at home today he did it before I got back. He texted me at work to say it gave him a vision of Jesus and Lincoln doing the foxtrot. So yeah I was pretty terrified.

But actually, it's manageable. I certainly didn't keep up with Shaun and all the folks on the screen - but they're all on day 60+ and I'm on day 2. I'd guess I did about 80% of the work out overall - all of the warm up and cool down, a slightly slower version of all the cardio. It was mostly the press ups that were my downfall again.

I guess what I'm getting at is, it's not completely unachievable. It's not for beginners, but as long as you're reasonably fit and you're willing to work hard (and sweat. LOTS.) you'll get through it and get lots out of it.

Oh and another bonus - you need to stay well fuelled to do such an intense workout, so as long as you're eating nutritious food, you can eat quite a lot of it!


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